Year of the Dragon
Each year, I enjoy creating an ink painting of the "Chinese animal of the year". I finally finished my "Wood Dragon 2024" ink painting on wood a few days after the official "Chinese New Year" on February 10th, 2024.
In every aspect, It felt like this "sweet" dragon had a "life of its own" and evolved as S/HE wanted! Being the only mythological animal of the 12 zodiac animals, the dragon is wide open to a word/concept that I love: "ESORAGOTO ", a Japanese word meaning : "using artistic imagination/interpretation".
S/HE wanted a brush in his mouth to ink paint “2024”, and S/HE wanted to have sweet eyes and no wings or menacing claws…S/HE "got his way" …a real pleasure S/HE was…to paint with HER/HIS directives!
Blessings to you all, this "Year of the Dragon 2024"

I enjoy finding various wood to ink paint on…sometimes I go to a local cabinet shop and they welcome me to pick up any wood pieces I like from their "scrap pile". This wood happened to have a "knot hole imperfection" so it handily became the "eye of the rooster"…such fun!